Stephanie and Iain are both NHS England clinical entrepreneurs. Stephanie is a consultant respiratory physiotherapist with expertise in tertiary, secondary and long term care of respiratory patients. Stephanie has a passion for technology and how it can best be mobilised to enhance patient care. Iain is a physiotherapist who works in a specialist NHS musculoskeletal service. He is the founder of a healthcare based tech company providing AI based diagnostic support for musculoskeletal conditions.
To meet the educational needs of the workforce in the current COVID-19 pandemic requires a multi method approach. Healthcare professionals will be accessing didactic face to face lectures, web based lectures, e-learning and social media platforms.
Stephanie and Iain have developed and launched ONCALLbuddy in 10days, click here to find out more.
ONCALLbuddy is a professional facing app that is accessible on mobile and tablet devices. The app contains a range of educational resources for physiotherapists working in respiratory and critical care settings and includes content on; common conditions, assessment, treatment and COVID-19. ONCALLbuddy was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which has seen a redeployment of the workforce into respiratory care. We recognised this would seem daunting for many physiotherapists and wanted to provide an educational resource that would meet the demands of both the workforce and workplace whilst allowing clinicians quick and easy access to information in the clinical setting. An app seemed the perfect solution.
ONCALLbuddy was extremely well received at launch. Users have been providing very encouraging feedback. They tell us the app is clear and easy to navigate and that the content is pitched at the right level. Users have been surprised at the speed at which we developed the app and we have had lots of messages thanking us for providing the resource. Within the first 2 weeks of launching ONCALLbuddy had 7,000 downloads.