Vicky Moore
Clinical Scientist / Deputy Service Lead for Respiratory,
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire / University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust
Dr Moore is a clinical scientist and deputy lead for Respiratory in the Respiratory and Sleep Sciences department at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW). Her specialist interests include asthma and occupational asthma, causal agent identification, specific and non-specific challenge testing, lung function testing and CPET. She is a keen researcher in these areas. She runs clinics in occupational asthma at UHCW and with the team at the Birmingham Chest Clinic. She completed her PhD in this area in 2010. She is the current ARTP/BTS rep and before this was the ARTP Education Chair. She is also a member of the ERS spirometry group. She is passionate about supporting training and education in respiratory physiology.
09-Oct-2024Respiratory Skills TheatreOccupational asthma.